
Susan Mayer

Lonnie Moon



Everyone in this world needs someone they can depend upon. Be it a faithful companion. Trusted confidant. Or loyal friend. For Susan Mayer, that dependable someone was her book agent, Lonnie Moon. It was Lonnie who helped Susan promote her first children's book. It was Lonnie who rushed Susan to the hospital the night Julie was born. It was Lonnie who took Susan's mind off her painful divorce with a fun vacation. Yes, Lonnie was Susan's rock. Sadly for Susan, her rock was about to crumble.
世界上的每个人都需要一个能靠得住的人,真诚的同事,密友,或者朋友,SUSAN的密友是Lonnie Moon,Lonnie Moon帮助SUSAN发行第一套育儿书,还送SUSAN去医院接受分娩——Julie出生,带SUSAN旅游散心,让她走出离婚的阴影,是的,Julie是SUSAN坚强的后盾,可悲的是,这个后盾即将被击垮。 ——译文来自: 13813141215