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I'm a what? I,that was Barney,that was Barney. That was you,Ted. That was Marshall. Marshall left a message for Marshall? You know,it may have been me,but it was so long ago. Man,that machine,it really garbles your voice. You know,it almost made it sound like I said. Why would you call me that? It was a fair question. Marshall's breakup with Lily had sent him into a deep depression and nothing could get him out of it. Until one day... She was perfect. I lost the perfect woman. I should have knocked her up when I had the chance. Okay.That's it. You're never going to get over her until you stop putting her on a pedestal. So no more ice cream until you tell me one thing that's wrong with Lily. There's only one of her? Okay. She called off your wedding and dumped you to be a painter in San Francisco. What do you call that? Fiercely independent?
我是....什么? 我...是巴尼。这个是巴尼说的。 泰德,不要说谎 。 是马修。 马修给自己留言? 这个也许是我,但是这个是很早以前的了。 这个机器总把声音录的失真,所以听上去像是我说的,实际... 你为什么叫我那个? 这个是个很难回答的问题。 马修跟莉莉分手以后,他的情绪实在不好。没有什么可以帮他 走出失恋的痛苦,直到那天... 她太完美了。 我失去了一个我梦寐以求的女人。 她给我机会时我该追上去的。 够了。 如果你还在继续神话她,那么你将永远都忘不了她。告诉我一件莉莉做错的事情,要不就没有冰淇淋吃了。 她只做过一件错事。 好吧,她不跟你结婚了,弃你而去之后,你在旧金山沦为个油漆匠。 你管她叫什么? 自我独立? 勇气?