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Staten Island
Sinfully Cinnamon Cookies

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

Kids,as you know,Christmas is a time you spend with your family.So in December of 2006,I had three options. Spend it with my mom and her new boyfriend Clint. spend it with my dad and his new girlfriend micro-brewing, or head down to Staten Island to spend it with my super religious cousin Stacy and her family. So I opted for none of the above and decided to spend Christmas 2006 in Manhattan celebrating with my other family. Okay,I have one last paper due at 5 p.m. today, so until then,I will be at the law library at school, but I'm not to be disturbed for any reason. Dude,open your eyes.You're going to hurt yourself. No,no.Christmas Eve winter wonderland is my reward for finishing my paper. Baby,do I smell your Sinfully Cinnamon Cookies? Yes. Damn me and my heightened other senses. Must be strong.Okay,I'll be back here at 5. Save me at least 20 cookies and do not clean the bowl. Was that a reindeer? I don't want to know!
孩子们,圣诞节是一家团聚的日子.在2006年的圣诞我有三个选择: 和我妈妈还有他的新男友克林特过圣诞,也可以去找我爸爸,或者乖乖待在斯塔藤岛和我那异常虔诚的堂姐斯坦西/还有她的家人一起度过. 但是以上三个选择我都放弃了,决定在曼哈顿过2006年的圣诞和我的特殊家人一起过圣诞. 我最后一场考试在今天下午五点,在考试之前我都要在图书馆里复习,没有任何事情可以改变我的计划. 老兄,睁开你的眼睛,你会摔到的. 不,不,对于我来说,平安夜所营造的冬日幻境就是对我胜利完成考试的奖励. 我闻到了浓浓的肉桂曲奇的香味了,亲爱的. 没错. 见鬼,我其他感官的敏感度太高了,一定很敏感.我出门了,我5点回来.给我留20块曲奇,记住不要把碗洗了. 这是个驯鹿!不要告诉我(我要亲眼看).