450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> And so, after six months apart,Aunt Lily and Uncle Marshall were finally back together. Lily:Oh, my God.These pancakes are delicious! Marshall:Yes. Thank you.Um,I learned how to cook while you were gone this summer. Lily:Oh. Do you want to cook dinner tonight? Marshall:Yeah, sure.________ And things were back to normal... almost. Lily:You may not have much range,but at least I'm marrying a guy who knows how to make pancakes. Marshall:Oh, um... Lily:I mean, um...Well, I... I realize that we haven't really discussed whether us getting back together means us getting married, but...I still wanna.Do you still wanna? Marshall:Really? Lily:Of course, I love you. Marshall:No, I mean,that's how you're gonna do it?"Do you still wanna?" That's like the lamest proposal ever.When I did it, I got down on my knees...I don't know, I'm just saying. 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写»
How about pancakes?
就这样在分开六个月之后,莉莉阿姨和马修叔叔终于重修旧好了。 Lily:天啊!这些煎饼太好吃了 Marshall:谢谢,你不在的这个夏天,我学会了做饭 Lily:那今晚你来做饭吧 Marshall:好啊,煎饼如何? 一切恢复了正常,几乎是... Lily:也许你没有太多的选择,但至少我嫁了个会烧煎饼的男人。我意思是...我知道我们俩还没讨论我们和好是不是意味我们要结婚,但我仍然想结,你还想结吗? Marshall:真的吗? Lily:当然了,我爱你 Marshall:等等,你就这么向我求婚?就句,你还想结婚?这是我听过的最寒碜的求婚.当我向你求婚的时候,也许我会单膝跪下。