2011-12-17 13:15
紧张激烈的考试结束了,大家都考的怎么样呢? 六级听力也新鲜出炉啦~ 这次采用全文听写的方式,让听写酷带你查缺补漏,一起进步哈~ 这篇听写里有四个短对话。 Hints: Question 11 Question 12 Question 13 Question 14 Chicago Psychology Wright Tony Dr. Martin Emergency Department
Question 11 I don't know what to do. I have to drive to Chicago next Friday for my cousin's wedding, but I have got a Psychology test to prepare for. Why don't you record your notes so you can study on the way? What does the woman suggest the man do? Question 12 Professor Wright, you may have to find another student to play this role, the lines are so long and I simply can't remember them all. Look, Tony. It's still a long time before the first show. I don't expect you to know all the lines yet. Just keep practicing. What do we learn from the conversation? Question 13 Hello, this is Dr. Martin from the Emergency Department. I have a male patient with a fractured ankle. Oh, we have one bed available in ward three, send him here and I will take care of him. What are the speakers talking about? Question 14 Since Simon will graduate this May, the school paper needs a new editor. So if you are interested, I'll be happy to nominate you. Thanks for considering me. But the baseball team is starting up a new season. And I'm afraid I have a lot on my hands. What does the man mean?
第十一题 我不知道该怎么办。下个星期五我得开车去芝加哥参加我表哥的婚礼,但是我还要准备心理学考试。 为什么不记录你的笔记,那样你就可以在路上学习了。 这位女士建议这位先生做什么? 第十二题 赖特教授,你可能要另找一个学生来扮演这个角色,这些台词太长了,我根本不能把他们全部记住。 瞧,托尼,离第一次表演还有很长一段时间呢,我现在还不期望你能记住所有的台词,只是要继续练习。 我们能从对话中了解什么? 第十三题 你好,我是急诊科的马丁,我这儿现在有一位脚踝骨裂的男性患者。 哦,我们三号病房还有一个空床位,把他送到这儿来,我会照顾他的。 说话者们在谈论什么? 第十四题 由于西蒙今年五月就要毕业了,学校报社需要一位新编辑。如果你有兴趣的话,我会很高兴推荐你的。 谢谢您考虑我。但是棒球队就要开始一个新的赛季,那么我恐怕会很忙。 这个男人的意思是什么? ——译文来自: 梁卡洛