2013-03-21 15:15
W: there is an (1) there about the competitioner, isn’t there? Because British railways are a (2) industry, there isn’t any one railway system in the country. If you don’t like a particular kind of big beans, you can go on by another; but if you don’t like the particular railway, you can’t go on using another.
M: some people who write to me say this. They say that if you did not have a (3) , you would not be able to do the things you do. Well, I don’t think we do anything (4) to (5) our customers, we have particular problems. Since 1946, when the Transport Act came in, we were nationalized.
W: Do you think that is a good thing? Has it been a good thing for the railways, do you think, to be nationalized?
M: Oh, I think so, yes, because (6) , most of the transports are all around. (7) , the car are arrived the cars are here to stay. There is no question about that.
W: So what’s your saying then? Is it if the railways haven’t been nationalized, they would simply have disappeared?
M: Oh, I think they would have. They are disappearing fast in America. The French railways lose 1 billion pounds a year, the German railways, 2 billion pounds a year. But you see those governments are prepared to (8) .
W: So, (9) , you call between two (10) . On the one hand, they are trying not to lose too much money, and on the other hand, you’ve got to provide the best service.
M: Yes, you are right.
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in general
Let's face the fact
pour money into the transport system to keep it going
in a sense
W:有一个关于竞争的原则,不是吗?因为英国的铁路是国有工业,国内没有其他的铁 路系统。如果你不喜欢某种某一种豆子,那么你可以选择其他种豆子;但是如果你不 喜欢铁路,那么你就没得选了。
M:有人写信给我说到这个问题。他们说如果你不垄断,有些事你就不能做。那么,我 想说,我们不会有意的去做一些让顾客不满意的事,我们有我们特有的问题。自从 1946年运输法开始执行,我们就被国有化了。
M:嗯,我认为是的,因为总体来说,大多数的交通工具到处都是,汽车也是处处可见 ,这毫无疑问。
W:那么你说的是什么意思呢?是不是说如果铁路没有被国有化,那么他们就会理所当 然的消失了呢??
M:嗯,我想是这样的。铁路在美国正快速的消失;法国铁路每年损失10亿英镑,德国 铁路每年损失20亿英镑。但是你看到这些国家政府都正在准备投入大量的金钱去维持 铁路运输系统的正常运行。
W:哦,从某种意义上说,你描述了两个极端的情况。一方面,他们不想在铁路上损失 太多的钱,另一方面,他们又不得不提供最好的服务。
——译文来自: knightqq007