填写缺失的部分,注意标点及大小写,句末标点已给出,不用听写。序号不用写出。 前言:六个人又聚在一起打扑克。 Ross: So, you gals wanna hand over your money now? That way, we don't have to go through the formality of actually playing. Rachel: Ooooh, that's fine. 1______, monkey boy. Monica: OK, we done with the chit-chat? Are we ready to play some serious poker? Phoebe: (holding a card and waving it in front of her face) Hey you guys, look, the one-eyed jack follows me wherever I go. (they look at her) Right, OK, serious poker. (Ross gets up from the table.) Monica: Excuse me, 2______? Ross: Uh... to the bathroom. Monica: Do you wanna go to the bathroom, or do you wanna play poker? Ross: I wanna go to the bathroom. (exits) Joey: Alright, well, I'm gonna order a pizza. (gets up) Rachel: Oh no-no-no-no-no, I'm still waiting to hear from that job and the store closes at nine, 3______. Joey: That's fine. I'll just have a Tic-Tac to hold me over. Monica: Alright, Cincinnati, no blinds, everybody ante. (deals cards) Phoebe: (looks at her cards) Yes! (everyone looks at her) .... or no. (Ross comes back from bathroom.) Ross: Alright. (to Rachel): 4______, Green. Rachel: Your fly is open, Geller. (he checks it, and zips up) 450)=450"> 老友记【美剧听写】,欢迎订阅~
We'll see who has the last laugh there where are you going so you can eat then Your money's mine