填写缺失的部分,注意标点及大小写,序号不用写出。 前言:情人节那天,Chandler和Janice机缘巧合又在一起了,但是,Chandler打定主意要和Janice分手。 Janice: I brought you something. Chandler: Is it loaded? Oh, little candy hearts. (reading the candy) Chan and Jan Forever. Janice: I had them made special. Chandler: Ok, Janice. Janice. Hey, Janice. Look, there's no way for me to tell you this. At least there's no new way for me to tell you this. 1______. Janice: That's fine. Chandler: (surprised) It is? Janice: Mmm-hmm. Because I know that this isn't the end. Chandler: Oh no, you see, actually it is. Janice: No, it isn't, 2______. Don't you know it yet? You love me, Chandler Bing. Chandler: Oh, no I don't. Janice: Well then ask yourself this. Why do you think we keep ending up together? New Year's? Who invited who? Valentine's? Who asked who into whose bed? Chandler: I did, but... Janice: 3______. Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn. Janice, Janice. You want me. You need me. You can't live without me. And you know it. 4______. See ya. (She kisses him passionately,then leaves.) Chandler: Call me! 450)=450"> 老友记【美剧听写】,欢迎订阅~
I just don't think things are gonna work out because you won't let that happen You seek me out You just don't know you know it