450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Lily:To Ted! The youngest person to ever design a building over 70 stories probably! All:Probably! Lily:Congrats, Ted. Ted:Hey, thanks for telling me to stand up to Druthers and pitch my idea.Seriously, none of this would have happened if it weren't for you. Lily:Oh. You know what,Ted?That was very nice.You have earned these screws back.Don't sit in your desk chair until you've put them back in. Ted:Hey, I'm project manager now,so,if you want your old job back... Lily:No, thanks.________ Casey, that's not how we treat people.You'll get this back when you learn to be nice. 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写»
I think I figured out what I want to be when I grow up.
Lily:我们敬下泰德,他可能是最年轻的70层大楼的设计师。 All:可能! Lily:恭喜你,泰德 Ted:谢谢你告诉我去反对德拉泽并提出自己的看法。真的,没有你这些都不可能发生。 Lily:你知道吗,泰德?这太棒了!你现在可以把这些螺丝拿回去了,记得拧上螺丝以后,你的椅子才能坐。 Ted:莉莉,我现在是项目经理,所以,如果你想回来工作的话... Lily:不,谢谢了。我知道我现在我最适合干什么了。 西赛,你可不能这么对小朋友。你不调皮了才能把这个拿回去。