XMzkzODU1NTUy/ 450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Ted:The next morning,as the sun rose over Manhattan,your Uncle Marshall headed over to Brad's apartment to leave for the wedding in Vermont.But when he got there... Marshall:No.No...No.No!No.Ted.Um,Brad got me flowers. Ted:Hold on.Brad got him flowers.I'm sorry.It just got funny again. Marshall:Oh, hey...No, Brad,uh,I don't want to hear it.I do like you. And calla lilies are my favorite flower.I don't know how you knew that.I guess you just get me,but this is not cool, man.I can't believe that you would... Kara:Hey, sweetie. Brad:Hey. Kara:Hey, Marshall. Marshall:Hi, Kara.So you guys, are like,back together now? Brad:Yeah.Happened last night.Uh,I'm sorry,bro.____(一句话听写,注意时态哦)____ . Marshall:Yeah, you should have. Brad:Well, I didn't mean to hurt... Marshall:Don't, Brad.Just don't. 【听写回顾】点击回顾上一期听写»
I should have called you
Ted:第二天早晨,当阳光开始亲吻曼哈顿时,你马修叔叔直奔布莱德的公寓去,为了参加在佛蒙特州举行的婚礼。但是,当他到那的时候... Marshall:不!不要!不!天啊!怎么会这样布莱德为我准备了一束花! Ted:等等,布莱德为他准备了一束花。不好意思,太搞笑了。 Marshall:嘿,等等,你先听我说。我是跟你关系不错,海芋百合也是我最喜欢的花,我不知道你是怎么知道的,我猜你了解我,这样并不酷,我简直不能相信你... Kara:嘿,亲爱的。 Brad:嘿。 Kara:马修,你好啊。 Marshall:你好,卡莱。这样,你们看上去破镜重圆了? Brad:是啊,就在昨晚。不好意思,兄弟,我应该打电话告诉你的。 Marshall:是的,你该打电话告诉我。 Brad:我不是有意的。 Marshall:没事,布莱德,不需要。