XMzg4MjQwNzM2/ 450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Lily:You should work at a suicide hotline. Robin:And then it got ugly.What I don't do is tell you the same story over and over again.I mean, you wouldn't watch the same movie over and over again, would you?Maybe a great movie like Die Hard.But Field of Dreams?____1____. Ted:So that's your go-to bad movie?The number one example on the tip of your tongue of a bad movie is Field of Dreams? Robin:____2____.I think it's stupid.So, now he's all mad at me about the stupid movie. Lily:Robin, he's upset because you wouldn't listen to him,not because you didn't like some movie. Ted:____3____?! <友情提示> 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
Once is more than enough It's about ghost baseball players How do you not like Field of Dreams
Lily:你应该在自杀热线工作。 Robin:然后事情就变糟了。我可没有把相同的故事一遍又一遍跟你说。就像你也不会一部电影重复看很多次吧?除非是像《虎胆龙威》那样的好电影。但如果是《梦幻之地》?看一次都嫌够了。 Ted:那就是你认为的糟糕电影?你所能想到的头号糟糕电影的例子是《梦幻之地》? Robin:那部电影是讲什么鬼魂棒球选手的,我觉得那很傻。所以现在他为了那部傻电影在生我的气。 Lily:他是因为你不听他说话而生气,不是因为你不喜欢那部电影。 Ted:怎么能有人不喜欢《梦幻之地》?