XMzg3ODgzOTQ0/ 450)=450"> <听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> Barney:Oh, no, what'd you fight about? Ted:A few months ago, my architecture firm was approachedto design this new building... Robin:It's this big skyscraper in Spokane.It'd be a huge project for his firm. Ted:And if we don't get it,____1____. Robin:So anyway, the head architect unveils his new design to the whole company. Marshall:Barney:- No.- No. Ted:Yes. Marshall:All skyscrapers kind of look like a... Ted:Marshall, it's a 78-story pink marble tower with a rounded top and two spherical entryways at the front. Marshall:Wow, ____2____. Barney:Yeah, you did. Marshall:Had to. Barney:Oh, dude, if they're selling condos, you got to get me in.And don't give me the shaft. Marshall:Yeah, you did. Barney:Had to. Ted:____3____.It's gonna define the skyline of the city.If it was me, I could've designed something amazing.Instead, I'm spending 12 hours a day designing the cornices. Marshall:Yeah, you did. Ted:That wasn't one. <友情提示> 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
we could go under so it's the whole package It's a travesty
Barney:不会吧,你们为了什么吵? Ted:几个月前,我的建设事务所进行了一件新大楼的设计案。 Robin:那是在斯普肯的大型摩天楼。这对他的事务所来说是个大案子。 Ted:如果我们拿不到那个案子,我们可能就会倒闭。 Robin:当首席设计师在全体员工面前发表了他的设计。 Marshall:不会吧 Marshall:所有的摩天楼看起来都像是... Ted:马修,那是栋78层粉红大理石的高楼,顶上还有一个圆顶,正面还有两个球形通道。 Marshall:全套都齐了嘛。 Barney:讲得好。 Marshall:谢谢。 Barney:伙计~如果他们要卖公寓,你可要帮我弄一套。但不要给我柱型部分的。 Marshall:讲得好 Barney:谢谢 Ted:这也太搞笑了,那将会是城市的空中标志物。如果是我的话,我肯定能设计出很棒的作品。 结果我却花了12个小时,去设计飞檐。 Marshall:讲得好 Ted:这个不是笑话