


Grayson--G Cobb--C
G: You see? It's not a walk of a shame if someone does it with you.
C: Hey, Grayson. You know _____1_____?
G: Is it people that start conversations without saying hello?
C: No.
G: Is it ____2______?
C: No.
G: Is it Stone Phillips?
C: What? Your wife ___3___, what, a week ago? And you're already sexing up sorority girls. ____4____, because when a 40-year-old guy gets divorce, all your friends are like, "oh, way to go, tiger!"
G: We don't call each other "tiger". It's always "champ" or "samurai".
Look, maybe, what really drives you nuts is that ____5______.
C: You don't think I could?
G: Mhh
C: Well, I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction. Too bad. Oh, the hell with it.
Hey, kid! Pow!
what drives me nuts annoying neighbours moves out But nobody cares you couldn't beg a young stud if you tired Suck it
你看? 如果有人陪你走,就不害羞了。 喂,Grayson,你就让我这么地不爽吗? 难道人们都这样打招呼吗?连你好都不说吗? 不是。 邻居们让人讨厌吗? 不是。 是斯通·菲利普斯的原因吗? 什么啊?你妻子刚搬走一周吧,你就和联谊的女生乱搞,但没人在意,因为40岁的男人离婚后,朋友们都会说“噢,上啊,老虎” 我们不叫对方“老虎”。一般叫壮马或武士。也许,让你不爽的是你怎么也钓不到一个年轻力壮的小伙子。 你觉得我不行吗? 当然。 早了,不好意思,我不能让你称心如意了。噢,去死吧,孩子,瞧... 等着吧