2011-09-25 22:29
本文介绍的是一种新型的农作方法“Low Till Farming”。
Low Till Farming
Farmers usually use plows to prepare their fields for planting crops. Plows cut into the ground, and lift up weeds, and other unwanted plants. However, plowing is blamed for causing severe damage to top soil by removing the plants that protect the soil from being blown or washed away. Many farmers in South Asia are now trying a process called Low Till Farming. Low Till Farming limits the use of plows. In this method of farming seeds and fertilizer are put into the soil through small cuts made in the surface of the ground. Low Till agriculture leaves much or all of the soil and remains of plants on the ground. They serve as a natural fertilizer and help support the roots of future crops. They take in rain and allow it to flow into the soil instead of running off.