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M: I see on your (1) that you worked as a manager of a store called "Computer Country". Could you tell me a little more about your (2) there?

W: Sure. I was responsible for (3) about 30 employees. I did all of the ordering for the store, and I kept track of the (4) .

M: What was the most difficult part of your job?

W: Probably handling angry customers. We didn't have them very often, but when we did, I needed to make sure they were well taken care of. After all, the customer is always right.

M: That's how we feel here too. How long did you work there?

W: I was there for three and a half years. I left the company last month.

M: And why did you leave?

W: My husband has been (5) to Boston. And I understand your company has an opening there too.

M: Yes, that's right. We do. But the position won't start until early next month. Would that be a problem for you?

W: No, not at all. My husband's new job doesn't begin for a few weeks. So we thought we would spend some time driving to Boston and stop to see my parents.

M: That sounds nice. So tell me, why are you interested in this particular position?

W: I know that your company has a great (6) , and a wonderful product. I've thought many times that I would like to be a part of it. When I heard about the opening in Boston, I jumped to the opportunity.

M: Well I'm glad you did.

resume responsibilities overseeing inventory transferred reputation
resume 简历 oversee 监督 inventory (商店的)存货,库存;清单 transfer 搬迁,转移;调任 reputation 名誉,名声