



Grayson thinks he's god's gift to women. I bet he thinks we do is sit around talking about him all day, _____-1_____.
Like we care what he thinks.
I bet he thinks his ex is all sad and pining for him. Aw. Poor Vivian, she gave him her best years.
Oh, honey, Were you two close?
So close!
I went over and borrowed an ace bandage from her once. She let me keep it.
You know, we should ____3___.
You want to go see if I think you're cuter than Grayson's ex?
Well, I mean, only if you do.

________3__________. Good skirt, good top, bad shoes.
Are you having a seizure? Please focus.
Come on, Vivian. _______4______.
I've never stalked anyone before. Well, one time I tracked down this chick that slept with my boyfriend, stole her identity and got her kicked out of college. But does that count?
___________5_______, okay, Laurie?
Oh, this might be her.
You are way cuter than she is.
You're not at looking.
Just doing my job, oh, wow!
See? ____________6_______-
I'll tell you something about Vivian that you don't know. She flaunts it, Lurie. The entire block thought she was a giant bitch.
Jules! Look.
Oh, I'm so happy for her.

上期回顾:【熟女镇】S01E04-2 Jules要气Grayson
wondering what he's thinking She sounds amazing go check on her Cute shoes, good shirt, bad skirt Go on your lunch break I don't have to know everything about you You do think she's prettier than me.