House of Cards Cancellation Rumors False...Season 5 trailer has arrived!

While the series has been showcasing the deadly, social-climbing arc of Frank Underwood from lowly South Carolinian House Majority Whip to Vice-President to inheritor President, the Season 5 trailer shows the maestro of political manipulation fully unleashed in a frightening way.

Frank's trailer tagline, "The American people don't know what's best for them.... I do," is supplemented by scenes showing him delving even deeper into his indulgences and outright declaring his intention to continue his misbegotten leadership pretty much in perpetuity.

Indeed, Frank's coined catchphrase, "One nation, Underwood" has become demonstrably literal.
看来,弗兰克的自创口号“唯有一国方可存留 — 安德伍德之国”,可不是句玩笑话。

Currently, much like the release date, Netflix is keeping us primarily in the dark about House of Cards season 5.

However, the first bit of definitive news we’ve had about the fifth season is new faces that will likely bedevil and amuse Frank endlessly for episodes to come.

And the biggest shakeup about season 5 is that the series is changing showrunners.

Let's look forward to Frank Underwood's return on May 30th, 2017.

