I'm sorry for barging in.
barge in 闯入

I know. I should have called,I just--

listen up!quit ditching class or you're grounded.
"You are grounded" is a fairly common punishment for kids. It refers to being unable to leave the house except to go to school or family activities. No going to parties, sporting events and the like. In some places it also means no telephone calls.
You are grounded 对小孩来说是很常见的惩罚措施,可以理解成禁足。就是除了上学之外不能离开家。不能去参加聚会和体育活动,有些地方还包括不能打电话什么的。其实就是限制小孩的社交。话说某猪小时候基本长期处于这个状态,要在家里看书写作业,不能出去玩,回顾童年真是一把辛酸泪啊~~

when you lose someone, it stays with you, always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt.

She kind of wigs out.
wig out 使激动

No,it's me, the hypocrite patrol.
hypocrite 伪善的,伪君子
patrol 巡警
有个英国的乐队就叫做Snow Patrol。(听歌

"stick with the status quo." no drama,now is just not the time.
stick with the status quo 保持现状。
歌舞青春里有一首歌名就叫stick with the status quo(片段试听)。 

某猪观后感:上次说觉得Damon更有feel一点,发现有好多朋友盼着Damon和Elena在一起,男猪Stefan童鞋真悲催啊。另外Jeremy那个老师太那啥了吧,还kid sister,还wrong answer,看着很不爽。