2016-07-15 09:17
Netflix throwing money at new projects like they can't give the dough away fast enough.
A new comedy from The Big Bang Theory's Chuck Lorre set at an L.A.-based pot dispensary. Oscar and Emmy winner Kathy Bates (American Horror Story) will star as the dispensary's proprietor. The order is for 20 episodes.
《生活大爆炸》制片人Chuck Lorre正在打算制作一部新喜剧。奥斯卡和艾美奖双料获得者Kathy Bates将会主演这部喜剧。这部剧获得了20集续订。
The series, which was originally shopped around to the networks before landing at Netflix, is a multi-camera comedy co-written by Lorre and David Javerbaum (The Daily Show). In addition to Bates' pot-shop owner. Bates' character's 20-something-year-old son and the shop's security guard.
在Netflix签约之前,这部剧本来一直在找各大电视台希望可以被签,这部剧是Lorre和David Javerbaum一起编剧的多镜头喜剧。Bates是个锅具店老板,她有个二十多岁的儿子,锅具店还有个保安,故事就发生在他们三个身上。