【生活大爆炸】SO3EO4 驱逐出境
2013-03-21 15:14
小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
Api/PgTyVuD2fK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeZN8F5S3fBdkEqDhAQ549d/si3hg/ 背景:Raj遇到麻烦了,居然要被驱逐处境! -Leonard: So, what’s going on with Raj? -Howard: Well, the good news is, he has no problem with my mother’s tur-brka-fil. -Penny: ______1______, but go on. -Howard: The bad news is, he says he’s getting deported. -Leonard: What do you mean, he’s getting deported? -Sheldon: I believe it means that the U.S. Government is going to ___2___ him from the country. He could then either return to his native India, emigrate to another country that’s willing to accept him, or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate. Personally, I’d choose pirate. -Howard: Penny, would you mind stepping outside so we can speak to him? -Penny: Ugh, fine. But the man really needs to work on his girl issues. -Sheldon: ____________3__________. Even today, I understand that’s an all-male profession. -Howard: Okay, she’s gone. -Raj: Sorry. __________4____________. -Leonard: So, what’s going on? -Raj: Okay, here’s the deal, six months ago, my research testing the predicted composition of trans-Neptunian objects ran into a dead end. -Howard: So? -Raj: So, my visa’s only good as long as I’m employed at the university, and when they find out I’ve got squat, they’re going to cut me off. By the way, when I say squat, I mean diddly-squat. I wish I had squat. -Leonard: So, wait, what have you been doing for the past six months? -Raj: You know, checking e-mail, updating my facebook status, messing up wikipedia entries. Hey, did you know Netflix lets you stream movies on your computer now? -Sheldon: And you’ve continued to take the university’s money under false pretences? Highly unethical for an astrophysicist. Although practically ___5___ for a pirate.
Api/PgTyVuD2fK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeZN8F5S3fBdkEqDhAQ549d/si3hg/ 背景:Raj遇到麻烦了,居然要被驱逐处境! -Leonard: So, what’s going on with Raj? -Howard: Well, the good news is, he has no problem with my mother’s tur-brka-fil. -Penny: ______1______, but go on. -Howard: The bad news is, he says he’s getting deported. -Leonard: What do you mean, he’s getting deported? -Sheldon: I believe it means that the U.S. Government is going to ___2___ him from the country. He could then either return to his native India, emigrate to another country that’s willing to accept him, or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate. Personally, I’d choose pirate. -Howard: Penny, would you mind stepping outside so we can speak to him? -Penny: Ugh, fine. But the man really needs to work on his girl issues. -Sheldon: ____________3__________. Even today, I understand that’s an all-male profession. -Howard: Okay, she’s gone. -Raj: Sorry. __________4____________. -Leonard: So, what’s going on? -Raj: Okay, here’s the deal, six months ago, my research testing the predicted composition of trans-Neptunian objects ran into a dead end. -Howard: So? -Raj: So, my visa’s only good as long as I’m employed at the university, and when they find out I’ve got squat, they’re going to cut me off. By the way, when I say squat, I mean diddly-squat. I wish I had squat. -Leonard: So, wait, what have you been doing for the past six months? -Raj: You know, checking e-mail, updating my facebook status, messing up wikipedia entries. Hey, did you know Netflix lets you stream movies on your computer now? -Sheldon: And you’ve continued to take the university’s money under false pretences? Highly unethical for an astrophysicist. Although practically ___5___ for a pirate.
Hard to believe
Another reason to consider a life of piracy
I lost my cool
难以置信 ,接着说.
坏消息是, 他说他要被驱逐出境了.
我认为这意思就是美国政府打算将他驱逐出这个国家,他可以回印度或者移民去那些愿意接收他的国家或者干脆做个驰骋于公海之上的海盗。就我个人而言, 海盗正中我下怀
Penny 你能不能先出去下,让我们跟他好好谈谈?
在我看来做海盗的另一原因就是,目前为止, 这还是男人的天下。
好啦 ,她走啦。
对不起, 我失去了冷静,
然后呢? 、
只有我在大学工作 ,我的签证才有效。如果他们发现我定居了,就会把我驱逐。顺便提一下。 我说是非法定居。我倒真想定居下来
等等 ,那之后的六个月你都干嘛了?
——译文来自: injiujiang