小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦 <注意这里>若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 如果喜欢TBBT,欢迎把这段欢乐故事推荐给你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~
Api/ 背景:Penny经常混在Sheldon的公寓,体验宅男生活…… Penny: What’s this cartoon called again? Leonard: Oshikuru: Demon Samurai. Sheldon: And it’s not a cartoon, it’s anime. Penny: Anime. You know, I knew a girl in high school named Anna May. Anna May Fletcher. She was born with one nostril. Then she had this bad nose job and basically wound up with three. Sheldon: ___(填填看,一句话,开头大写)___. Penny: Oh, am I talking too much? I’m sorry. Zip. Sheldon: Thank you.
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