【生活大爆炸】SO2EO22 (2) 避而不接
2013-03-21 15:14
小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
Api/E7gHCY6DW7K+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYdwP4SjRAdkEqDhAQ5s+ff8n0Bw/ 背景:Leonard坏坏地不接Stuart的电话……谢耳朵可看不过去! -Leonard:It's Stuart. -Sheldon:__________________1_______________? -Leonard:He wants to talk about Penny. I don't want to talk about Penny. -Sheldon:You're making an assumption. Perhaps the comic book store is _______2_______. And he needs your ___3___. -Leonard:Why would he call me? -Sheldon:We don't know. And if you don't answer the phone, we can't know. -Leonard:I'm not answering the phone. -Sheldon:Answer the phone, Leonard. -Leonard:There, __________4__________. -Sheldon:Aren't you going to check your messages? -Leonard:No -Sheldon:You have to check your messages! The living of a message is one half of a social contract which is completed by the checking of the message. If that contract breaks down, then all social contracts break down and we descend into ___5___. -Leonard:_______________6________________. -Sheldon:At times.
Api/E7gHCY6DW7K+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYdwP4SjRAdkEqDhAQ5s+ff8n0Bw/ 背景:Leonard坏坏地不接Stuart的电话……谢耳朵可看不过去! -Leonard:It's Stuart. -Sheldon:__________________1_______________? -Leonard:He wants to talk about Penny. I don't want to talk about Penny. -Sheldon:You're making an assumption. Perhaps the comic book store is _______2_______. And he needs your ___3___. -Leonard:Why would he call me? -Sheldon:We don't know. And if you don't answer the phone, we can't know. -Leonard:I'm not answering the phone. -Sheldon:Answer the phone, Leonard. -Leonard:There, __________4__________. -Sheldon:Aren't you going to check your messages? -Leonard:No -Sheldon:You have to check your messages! The living of a message is one half of a social contract which is completed by the checking of the message. If that contract breaks down, then all social contracts break down and we descend into ___5___. -Leonard:_______________6________________. -Sheldon:At times.
You're not going to answer it
on fire
it went to voice mail
It must be hell inside your head