【生活大爆炸】SO2EO19(4) 物理笑话
2013-03-21 15:14
小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
Api/OhqxHHBsCzLK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYNkP5CDfAtkEqDhAQ5o7ffov3h8/ 背景:新来的住户原来是美女,这可乐坏了Leonard等人…… -Leonard: Hey, uh, Penny, you Want to hear something awesome? -Penny: yeah. -Leonard: Alicia is an actress, just like you. -Penny: That is so awesome. -Alicia: Well, trying to be, but it's so hard. -Penny: Yeah, I know, tell me about it. -Alicia: I've been out here three months and all I've gotten is _________________1______________. -Penny: That's why I work at the Cheesecake Factory. ________________2________________. -Leonard: Alicia, what do you want as your default setting for DVDs, 5. 1 Dolby or DTS? -Alicia: Whatever you think is best, ___3___. -Leonard: Well, DTS has more low end, so... Okay. -Penny: Uh, hey, guys, guys, you will really appreciate this. I read the best science joke on the Internet. Alicia, you won't get it, but it's right up their ___4___. Anyway, so, this physicist goes into an ice cream parlor every week and orders an ice cream, sundae for himself, and then offers one to the empty stool sitting next to him. This goes on for a while until the owner finally asks him what he's doing. The man says, "Well, I'm a physicist, "and quantum mechanics...teaches us "that it is possible, for the matter above this stool to spontaneously turn into a beautiful woman who might accept my offer and fall in love with me. The owner then says, "Well, lots of single beautiful woman come in here every day, why don’t you buy an ice-cream for one of them and they might fall in love with you?" And the physicist says, "Yeah, __________________5_________________?" -Leonard: ____________6__________, don't you think? -Penny: How would I know? I'm not even sure I get it. -Alicia: Hey, Leonard? -Alicia: If you're done with the DVD player, can you set up my printer? -Leonard: Uh, yeah, I'd love to. -Penny: Uh, hey, maybe when you're done with her printer, you could set up mine. You know, like you promised... a week ago. -Leonard: Yeah, I'll get to, it-- don't ___7___ me. -Rajesh: Hello there.
Api/OhqxHHBsCzLK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYNkP5CDfAtkEqDhAQ5o7ffov3h8/ 背景:新来的住户原来是美女,这可乐坏了Leonard等人…… -Leonard: Hey, uh, Penny, you Want to hear something awesome? -Penny: yeah. -Leonard: Alicia is an actress, just like you. -Penny: That is so awesome. -Alicia: Well, trying to be, but it's so hard. -Penny: Yeah, I know, tell me about it. -Alicia: I've been out here three months and all I've gotten is _________________1______________. -Penny: That's why I work at the Cheesecake Factory. ________________2________________. -Leonard: Alicia, what do you want as your default setting for DVDs, 5. 1 Dolby or DTS? -Alicia: Whatever you think is best, ___3___. -Leonard: Well, DTS has more low end, so... Okay. -Penny: Uh, hey, guys, guys, you will really appreciate this. I read the best science joke on the Internet. Alicia, you won't get it, but it's right up their ___4___. Anyway, so, this physicist goes into an ice cream parlor every week and orders an ice cream, sundae for himself, and then offers one to the empty stool sitting next to him. This goes on for a while until the owner finally asks him what he's doing. The man says, "Well, I'm a physicist, "and quantum mechanics...teaches us "that it is possible, for the matter above this stool to spontaneously turn into a beautiful woman who might accept my offer and fall in love with me. The owner then says, "Well, lots of single beautiful woman come in here every day, why don’t you buy an ice-cream for one of them and they might fall in love with you?" And the physicist says, "Yeah, __________________5_________________?" -Leonard: ____________6__________, don't you think? -Penny: How would I know? I'm not even sure I get it. -Alicia: Hey, Leonard? -Alicia: If you're done with the DVD player, can you set up my printer? -Leonard: Uh, yeah, I'd love to. -Penny: Uh, hey, maybe when you're done with her printer, you could set up mine. You know, like you promised... a week ago. -Leonard: Yeah, I'll get to, it-- don't ___7___ me. -Rajesh: Hello there.
a couple of national commercials and this recurring thing on a soap
I'm holding out for the right part
but what are the odds of that happening
It's a little insulting
L 嗨,彭妮,你知道有什么奇事吗?
P 什么?
L 艾丽西亚跟你一样是个演员
P 太棒了
A 想是这么想,但是没这么容易
P 是啊,跟我说说关于你的事吧
A 我已经来这里足足3个月了,但是只接到了几个全国广告还有肥皂剧的小客串
P 所以我现在还在蛋糕店工作,我觉得那些角色都不适合我
L 艾丽西亚,你想你的DVD怎么设置啊?5.1杜比还是家庭影院?
A 你看着办好了,小可爱
L 家庭影院低音更好,那就...好的
P 对了各位,你们一定会喜欢这个。我刚在网上读了一个超赞的科学笑话。艾丽西亚,你不会懂得,但是他们很喜欢。就是,从前有个物理学家每周都去冰激凌店点2个圣代。一个自己吃,一个放在旁边的空座位上,好久都是这样。直到店主问他为什么?他说:“因为我是物理学家,而量子物理理论告诉我们总有几率,这张空座位的物质会变成一个可能爱上我的女孩。”店主说:“每天都有很多漂亮的单身女孩在我店里,你为什么不请她们其中之一来吃冰激凌来泡她们呢?”然后物理学家说:“是啊,但是那样的几率又有多大呢?”
L 有点侮辱人,你觉得呢?
P 我怎么知道,我都不知道我懂了没有
A 莱楞德,如果你弄好了DVD,能帮有安装一下打印机么?
L 好,乐意为你效劳
P 嗨,也许你应该帮她装完后去帮我安装一下打印机。你知道,你一周前就答应我了。
L 好了,我会去的。别烦我。
R 你好,美女。
——译文来自: zhaofengqin