【生活大爆炸】SO2EO16(3) 乃死定了
2013-03-21 15:14
小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
Api/K2TndrDzLK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeY94A5yrfAdkEqDhAQ5k8cvkl3hw/ 背景:Penny请Leonard修电脑,却不小心把绿色彩弹打到了Sheldon的宝座上……这可完蛋了…… -Penny: You think he'll notice? -Leonard:___________1__________. -Penny: Oh, what are we gonna do? -Leonard: We? No, no, you had your chance to be we for like a year and a half now. Right now, you are "you,", and you are screwed. -Penny: Why do we have to tell him I did it? -Leonard: Well, we're not gonna tell him I did it. -Penny: Okay, okay, how about this? __________2__________. -Leonard: Just to shoot the couch with a _____3____? -Penny: I'm sorry, I buy it. All those people are on drugs. -Leonard: We could him they wanted the couch to stay away from their boyfriend. -Penny: Okay, fine. What if we just _______4______? There. Looks fine, right? -Leonard: Mm, butt print. There's no ___5___ butt print. -Penny: Oh, come on. There, butt print. -Leonard: It's too small and too... perfect. -Penny: Thank you. -Leonard: You're welcome. -Penny: Act normal. -Leonard: Sheldon! How was the comic book store? -Sheldon: Fine. The new issue of Flash is out. -Leonard: Great, great. Did you walk the whole way? It's a little chilly. -Sheldon: Koothrappali picked me up. -Leonard: Isn't that terrific? He is such a good friend. You know what the best, thing about friends is? -Sheldon: They don't talk incessantly for no particular reason. -Leonard: No, no, friends forgive the little things. -Penny: You know, I gotta go home and wash my hair. -Leonard: Don't you dare, ___6___. -Sheldon: Hello, fastest man alive. Want to see me read your entire comic book? Want to see it again? Something's wrong. -Leonard: What do you mean? -Sheldon: I'm not sure. It doesn't feel right. -Leonard: I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, that. Penny did that.
Api/K2TndrDzLK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeY94A5yrfAdkEqDhAQ5k8cvkl3hw/ 背景:Penny请Leonard修电脑,却不小心把绿色彩弹打到了Sheldon的宝座上……这可完蛋了…… -Penny: You think he'll notice? -Leonard:___________1__________. -Penny: Oh, what are we gonna do? -Leonard: We? No, no, you had your chance to be we for like a year and a half now. Right now, you are "you,", and you are screwed. -Penny: Why do we have to tell him I did it? -Leonard: Well, we're not gonna tell him I did it. -Penny: Okay, okay, how about this? __________2__________. -Leonard: Just to shoot the couch with a _____3____? -Penny: I'm sorry, I buy it. All those people are on drugs. -Leonard: We could him they wanted the couch to stay away from their boyfriend. -Penny: Okay, fine. What if we just _______4______? There. Looks fine, right? -Leonard: Mm, butt print. There's no ___5___ butt print. -Penny: Oh, come on. There, butt print. -Leonard: It's too small and too... perfect. -Penny: Thank you. -Leonard: You're welcome. -Penny: Act normal. -Leonard: Sheldon! How was the comic book store? -Sheldon: Fine. The new issue of Flash is out. -Leonard: Great, great. Did you walk the whole way? It's a little chilly. -Sheldon: Koothrappali picked me up. -Leonard: Isn't that terrific? He is such a good friend. You know what the best, thing about friends is? -Sheldon: They don't talk incessantly for no particular reason. -Leonard: No, no, friends forgive the little things. -Penny: You know, I gotta go home and wash my hair. -Leonard: Don't you dare, ___6___. -Sheldon: Hello, fastest man alive. Want to see me read your entire comic book? Want to see it again? Something's wrong. -Leonard: What do you mean? -Sheldon: I'm not sure. It doesn't feel right. -Leonard: I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, that. Penny did that.
There's a chance
We tell him somebody broke in
paintball gun
flip it over