【生活大爆炸】SO2EO11(3) 书呆呆女王
2013-03-21 15:14
小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
Api/Zk7nSCY6DTHK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYt8O4y7TB9kEqDhAQ5g9fP0h0ho/ 背景:Leonard和Dave正打得火热,可是还是出现了一些小意外。偶遇Penny的Dave似乎有了新想法…… -Leonard: Thanks for letting me, try out your motorcycle. -David: No problem. -Leonard: I had no idea it was so heavy. The thing just ____________1___________, didn't it? -David: Yeah. Lucky for you it wasn't moving. -Penny: Oh, hey, Leonard. Ooh, are you okay? -Leonard: Oh, yeah. It's just a, little motorcycle accident. -Penny: My God, how fast were you going? -Leonard: I don't know. It's all such a ___2___. -David: Good one. He couldn't, even get it started. Hi, Dave., -Penny: Hi, Penny. So it's your motorcycle? Is it okay? -Leonard: ________________3_____________. -David: you mind giving me a hand with speed racer here? -Penny: Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure. So, um, Dave, how do you know Leonard? -David: I'm a physicist. -Penny: No, you're not. -David: Why is that so surprising? -Penny: Uh, well, it's just that the physicists, I know are __________4________. -Leonard: I'm not indoorsy. I just wear the appropriate sun block, because I don't take melanoma lightly. -Penny: So, are you and Leonard working, on an experiment together? -David: Yeah, actually we are. -Leonard: Yeah, we're examining the radiation levels of, photomultiplier tubes for a new dark matter detector. -Penny: Uh, sweetie, sweetie, Dave was talking. You know, I love science. -Leonard: Since when? -Penny: Since always. Call me a geek, but I am just nuts for the whole subatomic, particle thing. -David: The last thing I would, ever call you is a geek. -Penny: Well, that's what I am, _____________5___________. -David: Well, if you like, I could show, you the lab we're working in. We've got some cool toys, you, know-- lasers and stuff. -Penny: You know, I have always wanted, to see a big science lab. -Leonard: Since when?, -Penny: Since always. -David: Leonard, Are you okay here?, -Leonard: yeah. I guess. -David: How about we go see it now? Maybe afterwards we take the bike up the coast, We grab a little bite to eat... -Penny: Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great. Let me just get my jacket.
Api/Zk7nSCY6DTHK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYt8O4y7TB9kEqDhAQ5g9fP0h0ho/ 背景:Leonard和Dave正打得火热,可是还是出现了一些小意外。偶遇Penny的Dave似乎有了新想法…… -Leonard: Thanks for letting me, try out your motorcycle. -David: No problem. -Leonard: I had no idea it was so heavy. The thing just ____________1___________, didn't it? -David: Yeah. Lucky for you it wasn't moving. -Penny: Oh, hey, Leonard. Ooh, are you okay? -Leonard: Oh, yeah. It's just a, little motorcycle accident. -Penny: My God, how fast were you going? -Leonard: I don't know. It's all such a ___2___. -David: Good one. He couldn't, even get it started. Hi, Dave., -Penny: Hi, Penny. So it's your motorcycle? Is it okay? -Leonard: ________________3_____________. -David: you mind giving me a hand with speed racer here? -Penny: Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure. So, um, Dave, how do you know Leonard? -David: I'm a physicist. -Penny: No, you're not. -David: Why is that so surprising? -Penny: Uh, well, it's just that the physicists, I know are __________4________. -Leonard: I'm not indoorsy. I just wear the appropriate sun block, because I don't take melanoma lightly. -Penny: So, are you and Leonard working, on an experiment together? -David: Yeah, actually we are. -Leonard: Yeah, we're examining the radiation levels of, photomultiplier tubes for a new dark matter detector. -Penny: Uh, sweetie, sweetie, Dave was talking. You know, I love science. -Leonard: Since when? -Penny: Since always. Call me a geek, but I am just nuts for the whole subatomic, particle thing. -David: The last thing I would, ever call you is a geek. -Penny: Well, that's what I am, _____________5___________. -David: Well, if you like, I could show, you the lab we're working in. We've got some cool toys, you, know-- lasers and stuff. -Penny: You know, I have always wanted, to see a big science lab. -Leonard: Since when?, -Penny: Since always. -David: Leonard, Are you okay here?, -Leonard: yeah. I guess. -David: How about we go see it now? Maybe afterwards we take the bike up the coast, We grab a little bite to eat... -Penny: Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great. Let me just get my jacket.
fell right over on me
Lucky for the bike it landed on my leg
indoorsy and pale
queen of the nerds