【生活大爆炸】SO2EO11 新基友好基友
2013-03-21 15:14
小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
Api/THRpBm/K+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYt8F4SrVBtkEqDhAQ5g9d/8l1Bs/ 背景:新的一集,Leonard有了新基友~ -Raj: Trailing badly, Wolowitz needs a strike if he, has any hopes of catching up with Sheldon Cooper, who is ___1___ in the ninth, frame with a career-best 68. -Leonard: Hey, guys! -Wolowitz: That doesn't count. Do over! Do over! -Sheldon: There are no do-overs in Wii ___2___. -Wolowitz: There are always do-overs, when my people play sports. -Sheldon: Where were you that's more, important than Wii bowling night? Actually, I was..., - It's a ___3___ question. There is nothing more important, than Wii bowling night. -Leonard: Come on, it's just a video game. And we suck at it. -Sheldon: Nice motivational speech, from the team captain. -Wolowitz: Where were you? -Leonard: I was working with Dave Underhill. -Wolowitz: Ooh, "Dave." Sounds like, Leonard's got a new BFF. -Leonard: Actually, he's pretty cool. I mean, not only is he, a brilliant scientist, but _____4_____ he's, a Black Diamond skier.He collects vintage motorcycles, He plays in a rock band. -Wolowitz: So? We're in a rock band. -Leonard: No... We play Rock Band on our X-Box. -Sheldon: ___________________5__________________. -Leonard: He's funny, too. He does this hysterical impersonation, of Stephen Hawking having phone sex. What are you wearing? That's not... He does it better. Anyway, he said he was gonna take me to the gym tomorrow, so I'm gonna go practice my situps. -Raj: Humongous man crush, dude.
Api/THRpBm/K+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYt8F4SrVBtkEqDhAQ5g9d/8l1Bs/ 背景:新的一集,Leonard有了新基友~ -Raj: Trailing badly, Wolowitz needs a strike if he, has any hopes of catching up with Sheldon Cooper, who is ___1___ in the ninth, frame with a career-best 68. -Leonard: Hey, guys! -Wolowitz: That doesn't count. Do over! Do over! -Sheldon: There are no do-overs in Wii ___2___. -Wolowitz: There are always do-overs, when my people play sports. -Sheldon: Where were you that's more, important than Wii bowling night? Actually, I was..., - It's a ___3___ question. There is nothing more important, than Wii bowling night. -Leonard: Come on, it's just a video game. And we suck at it. -Sheldon: Nice motivational speech, from the team captain. -Wolowitz: Where were you? -Leonard: I was working with Dave Underhill. -Wolowitz: Ooh, "Dave." Sounds like, Leonard's got a new BFF. -Leonard: Actually, he's pretty cool. I mean, not only is he, a brilliant scientist, but _____4_____ he's, a Black Diamond skier.He collects vintage motorcycles, He plays in a rock band. -Wolowitz: So? We're in a rock band. -Leonard: No... We play Rock Band on our X-Box. -Sheldon: ___________________5__________________. -Leonard: He's funny, too. He does this hysterical impersonation, of Stephen Hawking having phone sex. What are you wearing? That's not... He does it better. Anyway, he said he was gonna take me to the gym tomorrow, so I'm gonna go practice my situps. -Raj: Humongous man crush, dude.
it turns out
Nice motivational speech, from our lead guitarist