【生活大爆炸】SO2EO10(4) 真的喜欢你
2013-03-21 15:14
小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
Api/BqxTyo8XTTK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYtwO4SjRA9kEqDhAQ5g+fP8n0B4/ 背景:Leonard很想告诉女友他的想法,希望能够停止同居。可是心软的Leonard真的能做到嘛? -Stephanie:I'm sorry, I totally interrupted you. What were you saying? -Leonard:Oh, right, yeah, um... So, Stephanie, here's the thing. I really like you. -Stephanie:Oh, God, ____________1___________. -Leonard: What speech? -Stephanie:I really like you, __________________________2_________________________ but I'll call you on Tuesday" and then you never call me so I call you, but you don't call me back and then when I run into you at the coffee shop, you pretend like you've been having problems with your ________3_______ and I know that you're lying, but I pretend like I don't care even though _____________4___________! -Leonard:No! No, no! I wasn't going to say any of that. I was just going to say... I really like you. -Stephanie:Oh, good! 'Cause I really like you, too. -Leonard:Terrific.
Api/BqxTyo8XTTK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYtwO4SjRA9kEqDhAQ5g+fP8n0B4/ 背景:Leonard很想告诉女友他的想法,希望能够停止同居。可是心软的Leonard真的能做到嘛? -Stephanie:I'm sorry, I totally interrupted you. What were you saying? -Leonard:Oh, right, yeah, um... So, Stephanie, here's the thing. I really like you. -Stephanie:Oh, God, ____________1___________. -Leonard: What speech? -Stephanie:I really like you, __________________________2_________________________ but I'll call you on Tuesday" and then you never call me so I call you, but you don't call me back and then when I run into you at the coffee shop, you pretend like you've been having problems with your ________3_______ and I know that you're lying, but I pretend like I don't care even though _____________4___________! -Leonard:No! No, no! I wasn't going to say any of that. I was just going to say... I really like you. -Stephanie:Oh, good! 'Cause I really like you, too. -Leonard:Terrific.
here comes the speech
but maybe we should spend a little less time together 'cause I need my space
voice mail
I'm dying inside
Leonard: 恩~是这样,恩......索菲亚,是这样,我真的喜欢你。
Leonard: 什么演讲?
Leonard: 不,不,不...我不是要说这些。我只是想说......我真的喜欢你。
Leonard: 糟透了。
——译文来自: Kenda23