450)=450"> 小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦 <注意这里>若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 如果喜欢TBBT,欢迎把这段欢乐故事推荐给你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~
Api/OxrkS3M7CjPK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5Gfa9UO4izQB9kEqDhAQpE3fPwj0Ro/ [color=#8B4513]背景:上一集中,Leonard交了个新女友,没想到Sheldon也对这位女医生很看好哟~/color] -Sheldon:Penny, hello. -Penny:Hey, Sheldon. -Sheldon:_________1________? -Penny:I'm sorry? -Sheldon:It's colloquial, __________2__________. So, do you find the weather satisfying? Are you currently sharing in the triumph some local sports team? -Penny:What's wrong with you? You're ____________3__________. -Sheldon:I'm striking up a casual conversation with you. S'up? -Penny:Please don't do that. -Sheldon:All right, but I'm given to understand that when you have something awkward to discuss with someone, it's more palatable to preface it with banal chit chat. -Penny:So, this wasn't the awkward part? -Sheldon:No. -Penny:Oh, all right. S'up? -Sheldon:Oh, good, I used that right. Anyway, you're aware that Leonard has entered into a new romantic relationship which includes a sexual component? -Penny:Okay, feeling the awkward now. -Sheldon:Her name is Dr. Stephanie Barnett and she is a highly distinguished ___4___resident at Freemont Memorial. -Penny:Yeah, Leonard told me. -Sheldon:Good. What he may have left out is how important this relationship is to me. -Penny:To you? -Sheldon:Yes, see, of the ___5___ of women Leonard's been involved with, she's the only one I have ever found ___6___. -Penny:Well, what about me? -Sheldon:_______________7________________. -Penny:Well, aren't you sweet? -Sheldon:Anyway, should you have any interaction with her, it would be most helpful that she not see you as a sexual rival. -Penny:Yeah, I think she's pretty safe.
What is shaking a conversation opener freaking me out surgical handful tolerable The statement stands for itself