《生活大爆炸》有新人:宅男有知音 漫画小妹Alice登场!
2011-09-23 16:33
The Big Bang Theory‘s geek squad will be setting their phasers to stunned this fall, and here’s why: Dexter beauty Courtney Ford has landed a potentially recurring role on the CBS.
《生活大爆炸》的一班宅男金秋又要激动好一阵了,原因就是《嗜血法医》的美女Courtney Ford将会在CBS这部美剧中扮演一个角色,并且相当有可能会成为《生活大爆炸》的循环演员。
The actress — who is coming off an arc as Bill’s great great great granddaughter (and lover!) on True Blood — will play Alice, a cute, cool and artsy girl who is something of a comic book aficionado. She runs into the guys at, where else, the comic book store.
Ford is slated to first appear in the Oct. 27 episode.