Federal Reserve
Great Depression
Senate Banking Committee
Ben Bernanke
Democrat Chris Dodd
The government says the United States economy shrank at an annual rate of 1% in April, May and June. The decrease was less than expected, and much less than at the start of the year. The improvement was partly the result of increased government spending. Another report on Thursday showed a small dr…
政府称美国经济四五六月(即第二季度)平均缩减率为1%,降低幅度少于预期,更远少于今年年初。经济状况的改善部分是政府加大开支的结果。 周四另外一份报道表明上周新增失业人数略有下降。接受长期失业补助的人数也有所降低。 周二,奥巴马总统提名本·伯南克连任美联储主席。本·伯南克目前四年的任期于一月结束。 …