安妮·海瑟薇,作为联合国妇女亲善大使 (UN Women goodwill ambassador),亮相联合国三·八妇女节活动,为女性发声,身为人母的海瑟薇呼吁美国给予女性带薪产假,同时也给男性放产假的机会。一起来看看女神演讲选段吧!

In late March, last year, 2016, I became a parent for the first time. I remember the indescribable – and as I understand it pretty universal – experience of holding my week-old son and feeling my priorities change on a cellular level. I remember I experienced a shift in consciousness that gave me the ability to maintain my love of career, and also cherish something else, someone else so much much more.


Because paid parental leave does more than give more time for parents to spend with their kids. It changes the story of what children observe, and will, from themselves, imagine possible.


When women around the world demanded the right to vote, we took a fundamental step towards equality. North.

