[1]Nowadays many people like raising pets, such as dogs, cats, birds, etc. [2]Actually, it is good to keep pets because pets can play with the young and accompany the old. [3]Research also shows that livingwith a pet helps to soothe people’s pressure and distress and even decreases the possibility of getting heart diseases.

[4]However, many are against living together with animals. They argue that pets are easily infected by diseases, [5]which may pass on to humans. [6]What’s more, the unpleasant smell and waste caused by pets are a resource of environmental pollution.

[7]In my opinion, keeping pets brings joy to our life. But to avoid potential risks and troubles, we have to make sure that our pets are properly vaccinated and their behaviors are under control.


【2】指出养宠物的益处。accompany“陪伴:是亮点词汇。注意the young,the old这样的地道表达。



【5】用which引导的定语从句是亮点。pass on to sb.“传给某人”。

【6】what’s more继续补充说明。

【7】用in my opinion指出自己的观点。

【8】结合上文提出建议。vaccinate“预防接种”,be under control“可控”