


Chinese cuisines, the traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts are the elements which can best represent the Chinese culture. The Chinese cuisine is the general term of the dishes of various regions and ethnic groups in China. It is well-known in the world for its color, aroma and taste. There are four major Chinese cuisines, namely Lu Cuisine, Chuan Cuisine, Huaiyang Cuisine and Cantonese Cuisines. The traditional Chinese medicine has a history of more than 4,000 years. It cures diseases with traditional Chinese herb medicine, acupuncture, massage and food therapy. Its core principle is to help the patients recover by achieving the natural balance of yin and yang. Chinese martial arts, also called wushu or kung fu, are a series of fighting styles that have developed in China over the last few centuries. Nowadays, more and more foreigners come to China to enjoy tasty dishes, learn the traditional Chinese medicine and practice the martial arts, which greatly enhances the popularity of Chinese culture as well as strengthens the cultural confidence of Chinese people.
