本次听力考试文章来自Good News Network,ABC News,Daily Mail,Life Goal等国外网站。


语速正常,难度适中,但出现了一些较难听懂的专有名词如MahmudiaDanube Deltathe Galapagos Islands;以及少量高难度词汇:picturesquebiodiverse,medically-inducedauditorium



1. 文章开头。例如,News Report 1Question 1What were people at parts of Scotland advised to do? (苏格兰部分地区居民被给了什么样的建议?)对应了文章开头一句话:parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday;再如,News Report 2Question 3What is the news report mainly about?(这篇新闻主要关于什么?)对应了文章开头出现的主旨大意:Romania's wetlands are coming back to life, thanks to help from local communities, the World Wildlife Fund and funding from the European Union.

2. 文章结尾。例如:News Report 2Question 3What did government's officials propose to do to protect the endangered fish?(为了保护濒临灭绝的鱼类,政府官员提议应该做什么?)对应了文章结尾句:Government officials proposed to protect the area's endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next decade.

3. 提示词。例如Conversation 1中出现最高级表达‘The most annoying one’所在的句子‘The most annoying one for Café owners must truly be those, usually only two of them, who occupy a table for six with their laptops and paperwork.’是Question 11What is most annoying for café owners according to the woman?(对于咖啡厅主来说,最讨厌的是什么?)的答案句。再如,Passage 1中,in contrast(相反),后面的句子‘being alone can actually be a blessing, particularly, when you’ve actively chosen it.’是Question 16What does the speaker say about being alone?的答案句。



1. 主旨大意把握。例如,News Report 2Question 4What is the news report mainly about? (这篇新闻报道主要关于什么?)

2. 细节定位。比如,News Report 1Question 2What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do?(交警长官建议司机们做什么?);再如,Conversation 1Question 11What is most annoying for café owners according to the woman?(对于咖啡厅主来说,最讨厌的是什么?);

3. 考察原因。例如,News Report 3后的question 7: Why was Scot speechless at the graduation ceremony? (为什么Scot在毕业典礼上说不出话来?);再比如,Conversation 2之后Q12: What makes the woman think about changing her job?(是什么让这个女人更换工作的?)