

  长三角地区是我国经济增长的重要引擎,长三角区域一体化,是区域协调发展战略“大棋局”中落下的重要一子。去年11月,习 近平总书记在首届中国国际进口博览会上宣布,支持长江三角洲区域一体化发展并上升为国家战略。今年政府工作报告中提出,将长三角区域一体化发展上升为国家战略,编制实施发展规划纲要。


  The Yangtze river delta region is an important engine of China's economic growth. The integration of the Yangtze river delta region is an important part of the "grand chess game" of regional coordinated development strategy. In November last year, general secretary xi jin ping announced at the first China international import expo that supporting the regional integration development of the Yangtze river delta has become a national strategy. In this year's government work report, it is proposed to make the development of the Yangtze river delta regional integration a national strategy and formulate and implement a development plan.
