Part A: Spot Dictation
1. computer programmer
2. entered into
3. in return
4. as human beings do
5. a table
6. include a dog
7. computer scientists
8. are working on
9. simple mistakes
10. piece of information
11. related
12. compare and contrast
13. make any sense
14. eat bones
15. comparing this knowledge
16. inappropriate selection
17. make this choice
18. alternative solutions
19. take some time
20. simple conclusion
Part B: Listening Comprehension
1—5 A C D A C 6 —10 B C B B A
11—15 B C B C C 16—20 A C D C A
21—25 C B D D C 26—30 B B C B B
Part C: Listening and Translation
Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
1. 假如你已决定明天晚上启程出席年度交易会的话,我们可以到国际机场为你送行。
2. 我们这家制造公司是如此之大,以至于市里几乎每一家超市或百货商店都出售我们的产品。
3. 同传统的方式相比,电子商务可以提供更多的信息和机会,简化商业交易,同时可以降低贸易成本。
4. 在我看来:代与代之间的兴趣差别始终存在,所谓的代沟一点儿也不是一种新的现象。
5. 假如你需要所有的细节,我们会通过邮件快递服务为你寄上小册子,里面列举了我们所有的产品及其价格。
Ⅱ. Passage Translation
1. 过去三天来,美国中西部下了大雨。丹佛是持续大雨受灾最严重的城市。大雨给城市和建筑物带来严重的损害。许多市民失去了住房和汽车,损失总计300万美元。看来保险公司不得不为赔偿支付大量的现金。
2. 通货膨胀可以是多种原因引起的。可以是由于原料价格上升:工厂不得不为原料支付更多钱,结果它们不得不提高产品的价格。大幅度工资增长也会导致通货膨胀:工人的报酬越多,物价就会上涨,生活费用也会上升。货币价值的变化是通货膨胀的另一个原因:假如英镑贬值,那么从其他国家进口货物时就要多花钱。
1—5 C C D C B 6—10 C C B D D
11—15 C C B D B 6—20 A B D C C
21—25 D C C C A 26—30 D B D B B
The declaration by the Chinese government to implement the policy of peaceful reunification was based on the prerequisite that the then Taiwan authorities insisted that there is only on China in the world and that Taiwan is a part of China. At the same time, the Chinese government took into consideration the fact that the US government recognized that there is only one China in the world, that Taiwan is a part of China and that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government of China.
While implementing the policy of peaceful reunification, the Chinese government has all along made it clear that it is an internal affair of China to decide on what method to use to resolve the Taiwan issue and that we have no obligation to commit ourselves to rule out the use of force.
Part A: Spot Dictation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin Part A with Spot Dictation.
(Woman) It is common knowledge that computers can also produce something stupid. As some computer programmers put it, GIGO, or “garbage in, garbage out”. This means that if inaccurate information is entered into a computer, the machine will produce the wrong information in return.
The reason for this is that computers cannot think. For example, imagine that a computer is given the information that a table has four legs and that a dog has four legs. The machine might well include a dog when producing a list of suggested dining-room furniture.
But today, groups of computer scientists in the United States, Japan and Europe are working on a new type of computer. These new models will be incapable of making such simple mistakes.
Instead of being programmed with lots of unrelated pieces of information, the new computers will contain knowledge of subjects that are related. The machines will then compare and contrast items of information, and will be able to reject conclusions that do not make any sense.
These new computers will already know that dogs are animals that eat bones, bark, wag their tails and chase other animals. By comparing this knowledge with features of dining-room furniture, the computer will conclude that a dog is an inappropriate selection.
Even a present-day computer could make this choice if given enough information and enough time. But it has to consider alternative solutions one at a time before selecting the best. This means that it would take days for even the most powerful computer to reach a simple conclusion.
Part B: Listening Comprehension
Ⅰ. Statements
Directions: In this part of the test you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Question No.1. (Man) Michelle Lee requested that he be transferred to the company branch in London, as the assistant manager there has just retired.
Question No.2. (Woman) Doctor Carter is a very busy man. Even so, he often takes time to have a cup of coffee with his colleagues.
Question No.3. (Woman) Tom was very much embarrassed when he was told that his check to pay the telephone bill bounced.
Question No.4. (Man) To think that we originally wanted to open five supermarkets in that suburban area with so small a population.
Question No.5. (Man) Mrs. Green couldn’t attend the opening ceremony last Tuesday, because she had to meet the CEO from our Chicago headquarters at the airport.
Question No.6. (Woman) Never have I been more willing to cooperate! Although I was a chief exective officer, I am now an assistant.
Question No.7. (Man) The general manager insisted that important papers from or in the accounting office be left lying around on no account.
Question No.8. (Man) For years the proposed highway extension has been a bone of contention between the administration and the environmental protection groups.
Question No.9. (Woman) The essence of good management is to be found in getting average employees to do excellent work.
Question No.10. (Woman) Twice as many tickets for the Auto Show could have been sold, but the exhibition hall has only a capacity for 500 visitors.
Ⅱ. Talks and Conversations
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following conversation.
(Man) How do you feel today, Mary?
(Woman) Not very well, John. I think I’ll stay at home today and rest.
(Man) That’s good idea. I think you’ve been knocking yourself out day and night on that research project of yours. And I’m happy that you had finally handed in your report on tourism yesterday. You really could do with a rest. Well, is there anything I can do for you now?
(Woman) Yes, there is. Actually. It’s very cold in here. Would you mind turning the air-conditioning off and opening the window?
(Man) Not at all… there we are. Do you feel hungry? Shall I make you something to eat?
(Woman) No, thanks, although I do feel quite thirsty. Could you bring me some water, please?
(Man) Sure. Anything else?
(Woman) Well, there were a couple of things that I had to do today. But I don’t really want to go outside.
(Man) No, you should stay in bed. I’ll do them for you. What were they?
(Woman) The books I borrowed from the library have to go back today, and I was going to post the letters I wrote yesterday…
(Man) Don’t worry, I’ll take the books back to the library, and I can post the letters on the way.
(Woman) That’s very kind of you, John.
(Man) Can I get you anything from outside?
(Woman) Well, a newspaper would be nice, and some magazines. If I’m going to be in bed all day, I’d like something to read.
(Man) OK, I’ll pick those up for you on the way back from the library. Meanwhile, why don’t you try to get some sleep?
(Woman) Yes, I will. Thanks, John.
Question No.11. What do we learn about Mary?
Question No.12. What has the woman been doing recently?
Question No.13. What does the woman want the man to do?
Question No.14. Why does Mary want a newspaper and some magazines?
Questions 15 to 18 are based on the following talk.
(Man) As city residents, we all think that we know what the work “city”means, but do we really? Here are some interesting facts:
In Britain, a town of any size can be called a city, if it has a cathedral. So London today includes the two cities of London and Westminster, because both parts have a cathedral. But a small place in North Wales called St Asaph has a population of fewer than 4,000 and yet because it has a cathedral it is also called a city. On the other hand, Birmingham was so large that it was specially made into a city, even though it did not have a cathedral.
In the USA, “city”is simply a legal term, and it does not depend on the size or importance of the place. Confusingly, however, the US Census, an American government department that conducts official counts of the population, classifies any place with a population of over 2,500 as a city, no matter how far out in the countryside it is.
The world’s most densely populated city is the area of Japan that includes Tokyo and Yokohama, which has an estimated 29,272,000 inhabitants. But, in the future, it may well be replaced by a city in China or a city in India.
So, what is a city? It all depends, it seems, on where you live.
Question No.15. Whom is the speaker addressing?
Question No.16. According to the talk, what cities are included in London today?
Question No.17. For what reason was Birmingham specially made into a city?
Question No.18. According to the talk, which country has the most densely populated city in the
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the following conversation.
(Man) You’re back! And right on schedule too. How was your holiday?
(Woman) It was all right, I suppose.
(Man) You don’t sound as though you enjoyed it very much. Where did you go?
(Woman) I went home. I stayed with my family.
(Man) Where is your home?
(Woman) It’s in West Virginia. It’s a quite small village in West Virginia. You know, going home really made me think how different my life would have been if I’d stayed there.
(Man) Why? What would you have done?
(Woman) Well, first of all, I probably would have married the boy I went steady with while I was in high school.
(Man) Would it have been a mistake if you had married him?
(Woman) It would have been different, that’s all. If I had married him, I probably would have stayed thee in West Virginia for the rest of my life.
(Man) Would that have been so bad?
(Woman) I never would have come to the city. I never would have tried to get a job.
(Man) But you’ve come to the city and had several jobs.
(Woman) That’s true. The thing is that after all these years of working, I am still a secretary or assistant to someone. No transfer. No promotion. It’s so annoying and frustrating. I didn’t come all the way up to the city for that, did I?
(Man) Do you think you’ll ever go back to West Virginia to live?
(Woman) Someday, maybe, but not until I’ve had more experience. I’d like to know that I could have a real career if I wanted to.
(Man) Well, the first step in a successful career is to get some work done. Here are some letters that have to be answered right away.
(Woman) All right, I’ll take care of them. But you just wait. Someday I might be your boss!
Question No.19. What has the woman just done?
Question No.20. According to the woman, what would have become of her if she had married her boy friend?
Question No.21. Why is the woman complaining now?
Question No.22. Who is the man?
Questions 23 to 26 are based on the following talk.
(Woman) Colds have always been a nuisance, and people have tried many strange ways to cure them. None however, have worked. One Roman historian even recommended kissing the nose of a hairy mouse! But even though the cold is the illness we most love to hate, we are only a little closer to finding a cure for it.
Scientists have discovered, through thousands of different tests and experiments, that a cold is not caused by a single virus, but by many. They have proved that people under stress are more likely to catch colds, although why this happens is still unknown. Experiments also showed that women suffer more colds than men. But again, scientists are unable to explain why this is so.
Another experiment proved that getting cold does not cause colds. For this experiment, one group of human volunteers were showered with water and then made to stand in a windy corridor. Another group remained dry and inside a heated room. While you might expect people in the first group to catch cold more easily, they didn’t.
One other thing that we now know is that colds are spread by water vapour from breath. This would explain why colds are more common in the winter than at other times: people spend more time indoors closer to other people, and also away from fresh air.
Question No.23. According to the talk, what did the Roman historian recommend doing in order to cure colds?
Question No.24. Which group of people are more likely to catch colds?
Question No.25. Why are colds more common in the winter than in other seasons?
Question No.26. Which of the following can be concluded from the talk?
Questions 27 to 30 are based on the following conversation.
(Man) I suppose that in Britain, too, family life has changed a lot in the last century, hasn’t it?
(Woman) Oh yes, very much so. I think families used to be much larger. My great grandmother was one of the fourteen children! Very few people nowadays care to have such large families.
(Man) I suppose that’s why in the old days very few women took up careers outside the home. They wee too busy bringing up their families.
(Woman) Yes, but rich families had servants to do the housework and even nannies to look after the children.
(Man) Would you like to have lived then, Betty?
(Woman) Not particularly! Women then weren’t as free as they are today. For example, they often had to marry men they didn’t like and they were financially dependent on their parents or their husbands. I think we are much better off today, don’t you?
(Man) Well, I suppose we have more freedom of choice and we’re more independent, but, you know, some arranged marriages were very successful. Women seemed to be more content with their husbands. Besides, there was something rather charming about courtship in the old days.
(Woman) Really? Such as what?
(Man) Well, the custom of asking a girl’s father for permission to marry her, for example.
(Woman) And supposing the father didn’t give his permission? NO thank you. I think family life is much pleasanter today because it is freer and more informal. At least today we are free to marry whoever we like and to take up a job, if we wish.
(Man) That’s true. But I still think that family life in the old days must have been very pleasant and secure.
Question No.27. How many brothers and sisters did Betty’s great grandmother have?
Question No.28. In the old days, who normally did the housework in rich families?
Question No.29. According to the talk, in what way were women less free than they are today?
Question No.30. What does the man say about courtship in the old days?
Part C: Listening and Translation
Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. Now let’s begin Part A with Sentence Translation with Sentence No. 1.
Question No.1. If you have decided to leave for the annual trade fair tomorrow evening, we’ll be able to see you off at the international airport.
Question No.2. Ours is such a large manufacturing company that almost every supermarket or department store in the city carries our products.
Question No.3. Compared with the traditional way, E-commerce can provide more information and opportunities, facilitate business transactions as well as lower the trading costs.
Question No.4. In my opinion, differences of taste between the generations have always existed and the so-called generation gap is by on means a modern phenomenon.
Question No.5. If you need all the details, we’ll send you, through Express Mail Service, a broche in which all our products are described and their prices quoted.
Ⅱ. Passage Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your answer booklet. You may take notes while you are listening. Now, let’s begin Passage Translation with the first passage.
Passage 1:
(Man) Heavy rains have fallen in the Midwest region of the United States for the past three days. Denver is the city that has been worst affected by the incessant rains. The floods have caused terrible damage to the city and the buildings. Many city residents have lost their homes and cars, with a total damage of about US$3 million. It seems that the insurance companies will have to pay large sums of cash in compensation.
Passage 2:
(Woman) Inflation can have a number of causes. If can be caused by rises in the prices of raw materials: factories have to pay more for their raw materials, and as a result they have to put up the prices of their products. Large wage rises can lead to inflation, too: if workers are paid more, prices go up and the cost of living rises. Changes in the value of currency are another cause of inflation. If the pound goes down in value, then it costs more to import goods from other countries.