【英语】阎成席时文翻译小讲堂:“画龙点睛” 翻译技巧
时间: 4月28日(星期日) 19:30 - 20:30
主讲老师: 阎成席点击关注老师的沪江部落>>>
公开课地点: 英语大厅(点击下载CCTalk









所谓“画龙点睛”,就是在将原味翻译完成之后,巧妙的加入一句总结性的句子。这个句子概括了上文的内容,同时也将译者自己的态度和观点表现出来。这样的处理 方法,不仅让译文更加丰满,而且也充分让译者在翻译中表现自己的主动地位。闫老师一直强调译者不是机械的完成翻译工作的机器,必须是一个鲜活的有个性的 人。今天这招画龙点睛就足以让我们挑出翻译的条条框框。 需要注意的是,这种技巧需要慎用!过多的添加信息会遭致非议,同时甚至会让读者怀疑译者的职业素养。由于其特殊作用,本技巧往往出现在段落的首尾两处,起 到承上启下,开篇明义或者是概括总结的作用。


Identity makeover is a castle in the air for most migrant workers

On April 11, Research Group of MHRSS-ISS releases a survey report which took them half a year’s efforts, which boils down to such a conclusion: the majority of migrant workers dream of being officially labeled as an urban resident, which is greatly defied by the sky-rocketing home prices. Approximately 13.71% migrant workers resolvedly pick out such a helpless option: “There isn’t such a niche in the city for us by a long sight, so we will get back where we are supposed to be sooner or later.”

It is clear to any person of good sense that nowadays in China it is totally impossible to stride cross the hurdles set by the urban and rural dual household registration system, not to mention the change of the mentality and attitude of most city fellows. As for most officials, only when they are desperately baffled by the temporary shortage of hands for urban enterprises can they think of migrant workers who actually are in dire need of the equal public service, but these officials have never chewed it over for a solution as they are so eager to drive farmers out of the lucrative farm land into the urban area without thinking of a kill-two-bird-stone solution for farmers and their children in coming generations. ...
Actually they treat migrant works just as such a proverb goes, “You can't make your horse work without feeding her.”

So it follows that some 13.71% migrant workers singling out such a choice “we will get back where we are supposed to be” are really cleverly down-to-earth. It is not so much worthy of sacrificing all youth in urban areas in return for a final sober-up as to settle down in the home place for their own business in the prime of youth to cut short the distance between the urban residents in terms of work manner, lifestyle, values, etc. It is a great challenge for them but it is the harsh reality. A warm tip: never kicking down the ladder or killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.


1. Actually they treat migrant works just as such a proverb goes, “You can't make your horse work without feeding her.”
在第二段翻译完成之后,阎老师加上了上述一句。这句译文恰恰是汉语俗语“又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草”的对应表达。这样一句看似随意的添加,实际上恰恰填补 了第二段缺乏一个总结句的遗憾,两个短句的俗语把第二段的两层含义表达清楚,同时把农民工比喻成没有草吃却要干活的马匹,更是体现了译者对于这种残酷而不 合理的现实状况的不满和忧虑。这种译法不可谓不灵活,不可谓不成功。


2. A warm tip: never kicking down the ladder or killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.



