An official apology and punitive measures don't mean the story is over. One of Carrefour's Kunming branch store in southwest China's Yunnan Province was found overcharging consumers on the same day it issued the apology.
Ms. Yang in Kunming City is the latest victim of the scandal.
She went to a local Carrefour and found the actual prices far outnumbered their price tags.
Ms. Yang, refund recipient, said, "The salesman said the shoes were on sale, and that's why they were selling for just 59 yuan. But, when I went to pay, they charged me 99 yuan."
The other item Ms. Yang bought also turned out to be nearly 40 yuan more expensive than its price of 39 yuan.
She said, "So I went to the supermarket manager. He said I could get the money back, but he didn't accept blame. So, I showed him the shelf, and that's when he admitted what I said was true."
After an hour of negotiations, Ms. Yang was refunded.
The supermarket agreed to pay her five times the amount of the overcharge, amounting to nearly four hundred yuan.
Xiao Xinhe, PR manager of Kunming Carrefour Stores, said, "It's possible that other consumers unconsciously put the tags above the product, which could cause the confusion. It's not our fault under that circumstance. But we still refund consumers if they insist."
Despite the apology, Carrefour, was caught in another price scam the same day, another hit for the superstore's public image.
official apology:正式道歉,官方道歉
punitive measures:惩罚性措施
branch store:分店
price tags:价格标签
PR manager:公关部经理
under that circumstance:在那种情况下
public image :公众形象
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