

延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。

非延续性动词也称终止性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow, buy等。


1. 延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示“时间段”的状语连用。

表示时间段的短语有:for+一段时间(eg: for two years), since从句(eg: since he came here), since+时间点名词(eg: since last year), during the past three years, how long, for a long time等。

例:I have learned English since I came here. 自从我来到这儿就学习英语了。

2. 延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的“时间点”状语连用。

如:It raind at eight yesterday morning.(误)rain为延续性动词,而at eight表示“时间点”,前后显然矛盾。

如果要用延续性动词表示一瞬间的动作,可以借助come, begin, get等非延续性动词来表示。上句可改为:It began to rain at eight yesterday morning.

-When did you get to know Jack? 你什么时候认识Jack的?
-Two years ago. 两年前。
-Then you've known each other for more than two years. 也就是说你们俩认识两年多了。
-That's right. 没错。