本书原文由古希腊文而作,英文版选择比较权威的George Long的版本,中文版选择何怀宏的版本作参考。笔记中的英文释义摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

马可•奥勒留(Marcus Aurelius,公元121—180年),著名的“帝王哲学家”,古罗马帝国皇帝,在希腊文学和拉丁文学、修辞、哲学、法律、绘画方面受过很好的教育,晚期斯多葛学派代表人物之一。奥勒留也许是西方历史上唯一的一位哲学家皇帝。他是一个比他的帝国更加完美的人,他的勤奋工作最终并没有能够挽救古罗马,但是他的《沉思录》却成为西方历史上的伟大名著。


5.7 What kind of things those are which appear good to the many, we may learn even from this. For if any man should conceive certain things as being really good, such as prudence, temperance, justice, fortitude, he would not after having first conceived these endure to listen to anything which should not be in harmony with what is really good. But if a man has first conceived as good the things which appear to the many to be good, he will listen and readily receive as very applicable that which was said by the comic writer. Thus even the many perceive the difference. For were it not so, this saying would not offend and would not be rejected in the first case, while we receive it when it is said of wealth, and of the means which further luxury and fame, as said fitly and wittily. Go on then and ask if we should value and think those things to be good, to which after their first conception in the mind the words of the comic writer might be aptly applied- that he who has them, through pure abundance has not a place to ease himself in.

prudence [adj] sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks

5.8 I am composed of the formal and the material; and neither of them will perish into non-existence, as neither of them came into existence out of non-existence. Every part of me then will be reduced by change into some part of the universe, and that again will change into another part of the universe, and so on for ever. And by consequence of such a change I too exist, and those who begot me, and so on for ever in the other direction. For nothing hinders us from saying so, even if the universe is administered according to definite periods of revolution.


5.7 我们甚至可以从这个问题学习-即那些在许多人看来是好的事物是一种什么样的事物呢?因为,如果有人把诸如明智、节制、正义、坚定这样一些事情视做真正好的,他在首先抱有这种认识之后就将不耐烦听任何与真正好的东西相抵牾的事情。但如果一个人首先把那多数人认为好的东西理解为好的,那么他就可能把喜剧作家所说的东西作为真正适合的东西来倾听并欣然接受。这样,甚至多数人也觉出这差别。因为如果不是这样,当我们听到有关财富、有关促进奢侈和名声的手段的巧妙和机智的说法时,就不会觉得刺耳也不会从一开始就加以拒绝了。那么,接着问问我们自己,你是否重视这些事物,是否认为它们是好的?是否在心里抱有对它们的既定看法之后喜剧作家的话还可以恰当地应用于它们-那占有它们的人,由于纯粹的富足却没有办法使自己得到安宁。

5.8 我是由形式和质料组成的,它们都不会消逝为非存在,正像它们都不可能由非存在变为存在一样。那么我的每一部分就都将被变化带回到宇宙的某一部分,并将再变为宇宙的另一部分,如此永远生生不息。我也是通过这样一种变化的结果而存在,那些生我的人也是,如此可以按另一方向永远追溯下去。因为没有什么使我不这样说,即使宇宙是根据无数变革的时代所管理的。
