Los Angeles
San Francisco
Chop Suey Circuit
校稿 maymedici
翻译 星迹
组长 蓝色三叶草
See has written several best-selling novels with Chinese-related themes. She says those themes have special appeal for her. "I'm part Chinese. Your listeners can't see me, but I have red hair and freckles, so I don't look very Chinese, but I did grow up in a very traditional Chinese American fam…
邝已经写了一些和中国相关的畅销小说,她说这些主题对她有特别的吸引力。 “我有中国血统。听众们也许看不见我,但我长着红头发和雀斑,所以看起来不是很像中国人,但我确实生长在一个非常传统的华裔美国家庭。我住在洛杉矶,而在这里我有大约400个亲戚,他们大多数是纯正的中国人。于是从完全“美国”化的华裔后代,比…