主讲老师:Peter Pool(点击关注老师的沪江部落>>>)
Peter Pool,毕业于天津外国语大学英语专业,英语培训行业12年培训经验,发音纯正,口语流利。人称“彼得宝”--“纯种土鳖,一身是宝”。上课风格轻松幽默搞笑,可欢脱如流氓兔,可呆萌如忍者神龟,可念正经如“如来佛祖”,可评歪理如“至尊小宝”,可温润如宝玉,可热情似火焰山。“冬虫夏草,不如家有彼得宝”——不看聊笑,听热闹。
Tulio:Amazon Expedition,day seven.Two thousand miles from Rio...we’ve reached the center of the rainforest.We are surrounded by plants and animals...struggling for survival...as we glide effortlessly down the river.
Linda:Effortless for you.How pretty!Spit it out,spit it out!
Tulio:We are near the nesting grounds of the Amazonian Wood Quail.
Odontophorus gujanensis.
Tulio:Six months ago,we rescued this little bird...from smugglers.It was sick,malnourished...with a broken leg,but now...my trusty assistant...I mean,loving wife and colleague,will release her...back to her natural habitat.
Tulio:It might be some sort of mating dance.
Tulio:Watchout!Padd;e,paddle,paddle!Backward,backward!To the right!No,left!Forward,forward!No,no!
Linda:Make up your mind,Tulio!
Linda:Cheese and sprinkles!Oh,no!
Tulio:Thank heavens you’re okay.
Nigel!Nigel!Look at us.Misfits.A toxic frog,and a flightless freak
So different,and yet,the same.
My darling,while you sleep
All is well.We are friends,and that’s swell
But the truth is that I have a secret to tell
I love you
People say it’s wrong
It’s absurd
That a frog and a bird are in love
But I know in my heart
This was so meant to be
If only we could hug and could kiss
It’d be heavenly bliss
But your lungs would explode
And you’d look just like this
And you’d gag
With your face turning blue
But,darling,I’ll protect you
I will,don’t worry,just chill
Cause there isn’t a bird
That I wouldn’t kill
For you
Can’t you see
We were destined to be?
-For we have love
Poisonous love
And although,yes
I know that you can’t hold me
Feel me close now.
Your loving wings enfold me
Fate told me
Love-Poisonous love
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