What a sweet shot!

Actor Neil Patrick Harris spent some down time at home with his family this weekend, Tweeting this pic of his partner David Burtka and their beautiful babies Harper and Gideon, 6 months.
上周,Neil Patrick Harris在家中度过了一个愉快的周末。他通过tweeter上传了他和同性恋爱人David Burtka通过代孕获得的一对双胞胎的照片,6个月大的Harper、Gideon和David Burtka一起入镜,相当可爱。

"Relaxing on a Sunday afternoon," the How I Met Your Mother star wrote. "My heart is full of love."

Earlier this week NPH shot down tabloid rumors of an affair, assuring friends and fans online that he and David are doing just fine: "Total bunk, absolute nonsense. Annoying. Thanks for needlessly worrying David. Preciate that."
本周早些时候,Neil Patrick Harris正面回击了有关他出轨的谣言,他向朋友和粉丝表示自己和爱人David Burtka感情很稳定,表示传言“瞎扯,完全是乱讲,真讨厌。真感谢对于David不必要的担心,多谢了。”

Look at the picture, don't you just want to pinch those chubby cheeks?!


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