




《天路历程》是英文作品中最成功的宗教寓言。它的主旨是让人们遵循基督教义,并通过不断战胜自身弱点与身外的邪恶来获得拯救。 1. 作者在这部小说里借用来自圣经的“Vanity”(虚空)这个词虚构出一个名为“Vanity Fair”的集市来表达“凡事都是虚空”的这一宗教思想。这里的寓意很清楚:既然一切都是虚空的,人们又何必去追名逐利呢? This section gives the bitterest satire, which is invariably directed at the ruling class. In the descriptions of the Vanity Fair, Bunyan not only gives us a symbolic picture of London at the time of the Restoration but of all bourgeois society. 2. 罗马的货物和商品是指罗马天主教, 集市上罗马的货物和商品特别受到推荐是对罗马天主教绝妙的讽刺. 文章中"Only our English nation, with some others, have taken a dislike thereat. "可以理解为英国和其他一些国家的成品在此不受欢迎,或者理解为英国和其他一些国家对罗马的货物不以为然。原因在于当时罗马的天主教属于主流,被很多人推崇,而当时的英国信奉国教而不推崇天主教,所以跟当时的主流格格不入而不受欢迎。 "The ware of Rome and her merchandise" here refer to the usage and temporal power of the Roman Catholic Church, the power of Roman Catholic Church was very influential by then, but as Britain was believed in Established Church at that time, but not Catholicism, so the English nation was not welcomed in the Vanity Fair. P.S. 因为我正在学习《英美文学》,今天又特地去请教了我们老师,以上回答是我修改过的,希望可以帮到你。:)

—— janetao2
