





—— zhuyiminzhuy

carving :1.雕刻品;雕刻的装饰(或图案)2.雕刻;雕刻术3.(在餐桌上)切肉(或家禽等),切肉(或家禽等的)手艺 carving knif 切肉刀 carving knife 切肉叉 下面是我找的英文解释 如果要区别两个单词最好的方法就是看英文解释了 Carving can mean Bone carving Chip carving EQ carving, an application of equalization in audio mixing Gourd carving Ice carving Ivory carving Meat carving Rock carving Skiing or snowboarding carving style, defined by a type of 'S-turn.' Stone carving Wood carving Engraving is the practice of incising a design onto a hard, usually flat surface, by cutting grooves into it. The result may be a decorated object in itself, as when silver, gold, steel, lacquer, or glass are engraved, or may provide an intaglio printing plate, of copper or another metal, for printing images on paper, which are called engravings. Engraving was a historically important method of producing images on paper, both in artistic printmaking, and also for commercial reproductions and illustrations for books and magazines. It has long been replaced by photography in its commercial applications and, partly because of the difficulty of learning the technique, is much less common in printmaking, where it has been largely replaced by etching and other techniques. Other terms often used for engravings are copper-plate engraving and Line engraving. These should all mean exactly the same, but especially in the past were often used very loosely to cover several printmaking techniques, so that many so-called engravings were in fact produced by totally different techniques, such as etching. Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping hard or plastic material, commonly stone (either rock or marble), metal, or wood. Some sculptures are created directly by carving; others are assembled, built up and fired, welded, molded, or cast. A person who creates sculptures is called a sculptor. Because sculpture involves the use of materials that can be moulded or modulated, it is considered one of the plastic arts. The majority of public art

—— rebecca0046


—— 麦田遐想

我查牛津词典的 简单的说 sculpture是为某人做雕像或把某物做成雕像品,它还可做名词,指雕像 carve是在树木或石头上雕刻 engrave是指在硬物上刻字或画

—— dy小妖精

有意思的问题。 carving 是雕刻较为笼统的说法。engraving and sculpture则各有所指。根据维基百科的解释: engraving多用在版刻,在平面上进行的雕刻; sculpture则是三维立体的雕刻。 bamboo engraving 竹雕,可能所指就是在竹子表面刻画,换句话说如果你用bamboo sculpture,则是把竹子雕成雕塑,比如说雕成掷铁饼者……这个比较难哈 -------------------------------------- 以下来自维基: Engraving is the practice of incising a design onto a hard, usually flat surface, by cutting grooves into it. The result may be a decorated object in itself, as when silver, gold, steel, lacquer, or glass are engraved, or may provide an intaglio printing plate, of copper or another metal, for printing images on paper, which are called engravings. Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping hard or plastic material, commonly stone (either rock or marble), metal, or wood. Some sculptures are created directly by carving; others are assembled, built up and fired, welded, molded.

—— nunu_lee

sculpture是雕塑,塑造等.动作加意想. carving是一种简单的刻,雕.动作词.

—— hzhx116
