


-- Welcome back, Sir Nicholas.
-- Thank you.
-- Good evening, Sir Nicholas.
-- Good evening.
-- Good to see you, Sir Nicholas.
-- Thank you.
Hermione! Welcome back.
-- Thanks, Sir Nicholas.

-- Harry. It's Hermione.

-- Er...Em...Well...Welcome back, Hermione.
-- It's good to be back.
Congratulations. I can't believe you ____1____.
-- Well, we had _____2_____ from you.
-- We couldn't have done it without you.
-- Thanks.

-- Could I have your attention, please?

-- Before we begin the __3__, let us have ___4___ applause
for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, whose Mandrake
juice has been so successfully ____5____ to all who had
been Petrified.
( ...Applause... )
Also, in light of the _____6_____, as a school treat, all
exams have been canceled.

-- Sorry I'm late.
The owl that delivered my _____7_____ got all __8__ and
__9__. Some ruddy bird called Errol.
And I'd just like to say that ________10________, Harry
and Ron, and Hermione of course, I would...Er... I would
still be, you know where...so I'd just like to say, thanks.

-- There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid.

solved it loads of help feast a round of administered recent events release papers lost confused if it hadn't been for you