Miley Cyrus加盟X Factor当评委 男友老爸齐心支持
The sexy singer is getting pressured by her boyfriend and father to be a judge on the super-popular show, can EXCLUSIVELY report!
Liam Hemsworth is apparently pushing Miley Cyrus to pursue a spot on The X Factor — and he’s getting a ton of support from her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus! Liam, 22, and Billy Ray, 50, think the deal would be an incredible opportunity for Miley, 19, a source tells EXCLUSIVELY.
“Liam and Billy Ray think it would be a great career move for Miley to join The X Factor,” a source close to the family said. “They are really pushing for it. They think that it would do the same thing to Miley’s career that American Idol did for Jennifer Lopez. It would give Miley more commercial and movie opportunities and a place to perform when she makes more music. It would be a great outlet. Plus, with Liam’s film career flourishing, this would put them both on a huge level together and they would be a Hollywood power couple.”
沪江娱乐快讯:这一次,麦莉的男友与老爸站在一条战线上了!据悉,两人都在努力争取让小天后麦莉·塞勒斯(Miley Cyrus)出现在X Factor的评委席上。22岁的Liam Hemsworth和50岁的Billy Ray都认为,这是一次十分宝贵的机会,将有力的推动麦莉的事业发展。之前曾有消息称,X Factor著名毒舌评审Simon Cowell把Miley等明星列入了评委的考虑中,还包括Demi Lovato、Avril Lavigne、Fergie。