艺人:The Swell Season


由于影片讲的就是发生在创作型乐人身上的故事,片中歌曲大部分皆由男主角格伦·汉萨德亲自创作演唱,更彰显了其身为唱作音乐人的优势。汉萨德为电影的配乐能力勿庸置疑,其之前的名曲《Your Face》就曾被《魔法灰姑娘》等电影收为配乐,这次给足创作空间,汉萨德更是大过乐瘾,为影片亲手谱写了九支配乐,并在片中真人演唱了十首之多,真正做到唱演两不误。

众所周知,爱尔兰是个现代音乐圣殿,这里不仅有U2、The Cranberries这样激烈高亢的摇滚时尚,也有像The Frames这样浅吟低唱的优雅民谣,通过此片、汉萨德以及他的The Frames乐队,全世界更多影迷和乐迷欣赏到爱尔兰独立流行乐和民谣的非凡魅力,电影与音乐的相互激发力,在《曾经》身上最大程度的体现出来,因而不仅电影情节本身耐人寻味,原声大碟也极具收藏价值。也正是通过本片的合作,男主角汉萨德与女主角埃尔格罗瓦天衣无缝的演唱配合才得以被世人欣赏到,于是两人趁热打铁,在2006年出了一张名为《The Swell Season》的新专辑,将影片内的创作故事延伸到了银幕外,两人在幕后也承认已发展为情侣关系。 

If you ever want something
You call, you call
And I'll come running
to fight
And I'll be at your door
And there's nothing
worth running for
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to change it
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to stop it
You see
you're just like everyone
When you share your falls
All you want to do is run away
And hide all by yourself
When there's fall, there's fall
There's nothing else
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to change it
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point even talkin'
When your mind is made up
When your mind is made up
There's no point trying to fight it
When your mind,
your mind
There's no point trying to change it
When your
If you ever want something
Then you call, call
Then I'll come running