

Kasabian的四位成员均成长于莱切斯特,17岁的时候,几个人就在一起玩音乐。他们的名字源自六十年代末的连环杀手影片《Charlie Manson/Manson Family》中的一名女司机Linda Kasabian,乐队希望透过其重复性的音乐元素,来表达出人们的疯狂与暴力。

乐队在接受采访的时候曾坦言,Primal Scream激发了他们组队的冲动,并且觉得PS的音乐路线将在未来成为一个乐队成功与否的蓝本。但这并不是说Kasabian就是另一队PS。事实上,PS对他们的影响更多是做音乐时的意识,而不是具体到某一首歌或某一段旋律。因此,在他们首张同名专辑中,你可能只会在《Club Foot》中直接听出《Xtrmntr》时期的PS,而更多体会到的则是与他们一样在音乐上的折衷与包容。

因此,在《Reason Is Treason》当中,你听到的不仅仅是Neu!的流畅曲式,还能从中段的合成器演奏中感觉到Giorgio Moroder的存在。而《Processed Beats》中的Funk节拍又让你觉得乐队主唱Tom Meighan在用跑调的方式翻唱Beck的《Loser》。到了《L.S.F(Lost Souls Forever)》,让人想起了前Verve主唱Richard Ashcroft为U.N.K.L.E献唱的《Lonely Soul》,与原曲不同的是,这首歌更加Funky。

此外,为了更好的表现出迷幻的一面,他们还特意在音乐中加入了西塔琴,如嗓音和节拍都同Placebo有许多神似之处的《Running Battle》、在倒播技巧的运用中,加入同早期Pink Floyd有着同样音色之吉他演奏的《Test Transmission》、在走迷幻民谣路线的同时带有异域色彩riff的《U Boat》和未来主义色彩合成器与重型Hip Hop节拍交相辉映的《I.D.》。


One take control of me
You're messing with the enemy
Said its 2 it's another trick
Messin with my mind I wake up
Chase down an empty street
Blindly snap the broken beats
Said it's gone with the dirty trick
It's taken all these days to find ya
I tell you I wanted you
I tell you I needed you
Friends take control of me
Stalking cross' the gallery
All these pills got to operate
The colour quits and all invade us
There it goes again
Take me to the edge again
All I got is a dirty trick
I'm chasin down all walls to save ya
I tell you I wanted you
I'll tell you I needed you
I the blood on my face
Just wanted you near me
I tell you I want you
I'll tell you I need you
The blood ain't on my hands
Just wanted you near me
I tell you I wanted you
I'll tell you I needed you
I the blood on my face
Just wanted you near me