Back in 1978, "The Dating Game" was a popular TV show. And in his only appearance, the 35-year-old photographer was a hit.

"Please welcome Rodney Alcala. Rod, welcome. "

He was, in game show fashion, charming, funny, and suggestive.

"What's your best time? "

"The best time is at night, nighttime. "

Flash forward. This is Rodney Alcala now, convicted of murdering four women and a 12-year-old girl in separate incidents around Los Angeles around the time of that show, when he acted like just another guy.

"We're going to have a great time together, Cheryl. "

"Serial killers are tremendous actors. "

Pat Brown, a criminal profiler, watches that show and sees nothing unusual because, she says, that's what Alcala wanted.

"Serial killers are predators and, yes, they act like an animal that is trying to get his prey, and the rest of the time it's trying to blend in so we don't notice him. "

At least one person noticed something. Bachelor No. 2, Jed Mills, still recalls how Alcala seemed dark, slimy, and obnoxious, treating others like objects until he wanted something.

"I'm called the banana, and I look really good. "

"Can you be a little more descriptive? "

"Peel me. "

Investigators have long pursued Alcala, even before he appeared on "The Dating Game." He'd been convicted of kidnapping and raping a young girl. He was convicted twice in the killing of Robin Samsoe, that 12-year-old on her way to ballet class. Twice the case went to retrial before finally this latest conviction for her and four other murders.

And over the years, investigators have raised many questions about possible connections between Alcala and other murders. But time and again, they have not come up with enough to charge him.

Say hello to Rodney Alcala. Rodney Alcala.

At the end of that game show, Alcala even won the girl. Published reports show, however, say they never went on that date. And perhaps that's just as well.

Tom Foreman, CNN.


suggestive: making people think about sex 性暗示的;性挑逗的

slim: of a person or their manner polite and extremely friendly in a way that is not sincere or honest 谄媚的;讨好的;假惺惺的

obnoxious: extremely unpleasant, especially in a way that offends people 极讨厌的;可憎的;令人作呕的

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